Pointer Remote for training

Supporting employers & businesses to leverage remote work

Remote Work Training Programs in Australia

At Pointer Remote we are passionate about supporting employers and businesses to leverage remote work to thrive. Our Doing Work Differently Programs upskill participants by connecting them with specialist training and resources, practical workshops and e-Learning and creating a community of like minded thinkers. These Programs are delivered a number of ways; with a community cohort, an online cohort or self-paced.

​​Program Options

There are three options for the roll out of Programs in your community or organisation. Options include; the Pointer Remote team running in person events in your town or workplace; a facilitated virtual program with a number of weekly live sessions; or providing access to our self-paced programs for community members or employees to participate.

In Person

The Pointer Remote team comes to your community or business to run the first module of the Program in person. Participants complete the remainder of the Program virtually with a cohort specific Facilitator with live ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions with topic specialists.*


Our Remote Work Capacity Program is hosted online with a cohort specific Pointer Remote Facilitator. The Program modules are rolled out with live sessions with the Facilitator (all recorded to view later) and  live ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions with topic specialists.


Participants complete the online modules of a number of self-paced programs. The Programs can be accessed at anytime and modules can be completed in the prefered order of the participant. Click here for details.

Specialist Presenters

Each module in the Programs focuses on a specific topic area and includes video and written content as well as pre and post work, that has been developed by specialists in each topic area. The content is hands on, current and developed by industry leaders to ensure participants are building capacity in their ability to work and/or manage remotely.

If you’d like to find out more, get in touch.