Pointer Remote for remote work training
Supporting individuals, organisations and communities to upskill in remote
Pointer’s Remote Learning Hub is an information, content and resource aggregator that individuals, businesses and communities can upskill in all facets of remote work. Pointer Remote offers bespoke consulting, online, self paced e-Learning as well as free resources to better understand and leverage remote work.
Remote Readiness
Getting started…
Bespoke Support
Remote Ready e-Learning
Remote Work 101
What makes remote work, work?
Change Management
Productivity & Time Management
Productivity is the amount of work that you produce. Time management is the practice of organising your time to complete your work. To be successful working remotely, productivity and time management are key.
Company culture is important in any work environment, but when employees are working in remote and hybrid teams, establishing a strong and intentional company culture is crucial.
There is an overwhelming amount of incredible remote work enabling technology available. Check out some examples of tools to get you working remotely.
Communication is the cornerstone of a successful remote work environment. Employees trust managers who are available for meaningful conversation, whether you’re in a remote workplace or a traditional office with four walls. Employers trust employees who can effectively communicate their needs, challenges and wins. An organisation’s strong investment in communication will yield increased employee satisfaction, better retention rates, and higher productivity. An individual’s investment in communication will improve job satisfaction and ability to feel part of the team.
Reading recomendations…
In a traditional co-located workplace, employees know they have started their workday simply by walking into their building. For a remote organisation, company culture provides an environment that delineates your employees’ work time from their personal time. Active participation provides a feeling of “being at work” and encourages loyalty, unity, and pride in your staff.
Leadership done right: resources from Atlassian
How to build culture in a remote team
Culture: The office of an officeless team
Productivity and Time Management
How to increase your productivity at work
How to Create a Remote Work Schedule that Works
Staying Productive Regardless of Location
Productivity resources from Australia largest remote employer
Dr Bailey Bosch’s Remote Work Tips
Don’t compare
around your time
not your time
Change Management
Change management: leading from the front
Managing virtual teams: how to lead remotely
What empathy centred leadership looks like
Cloud Storage
Creative / Social Media
Employee Management
Focus Apps
Mind Mapping
Note-taking Apps
Online Office Suites
Project Management
Remote Desktop Software
Screen Recording Tools
Screen Sharing
Team Chat Apps
To-Do Lists
Video Conferencing
Remote Learning Hub Partners
Verve Super
Watch a video from Co-founder Zoe Lamont here.
Introduction for employers and introduction for individuals with Founder Tania Beck Soulos
Verve Super
Watch a video from Co-founder Zoe Lamont here.
Introduction for employers and introduction for individuals with Founder Tania Beck Soulos
Support for the Remote Work Hub
Our Founder and Managing Director Jo Palmer was named the 2019 AgriFutures Rural Woman of the Year for her work supporting those living and working in rural Australia to access remote work. To find out more about Jo’s project, watch the video below and if you know a woman doing amazing things in rural Australia, maybe tap them on the shoulder to apply for the Rural Women’s Award. Details can be found on AgriFutures Australia’s website.